Thursday, February 5, 2015

Kaelyn Reports The Truth!

 Hey everyone! It's me Kaelyn here with another blog post! So today, I'd like to tell you the truth. So all of you know Maya has an impersonator right?  And all of us kind of figured out that her name was Leigh. I think. Well no. No, that is not her name. Wanna know her real name? Well, it's Riley Matthews! Yeah that's right! RILEY! Yes I know what you're thinking, "OMG! Stop lying Kaelyn! Riley is the most sweetest girl in the whole entire universe! She'd never do anything like this! NEVER!!!!" Isn't this what you're thinking? Well, you are wrong if you are thinking this. Ask Maya! I'm her witness. Everybody on TeamMaya is her witness. In fact, since this predicament happened, TeamMaya is now going to play the hard game. We'll crush TeamRiley. No matter what happens. So you better watch out TeamRiley. You'll never know what will happen...

And these photos are from Maya's Blog and Sarah's blog check these blogs out by clicking their names!


  1. You're just as worse as Maya is.

  2. Replies
    1. No maya and kaelyn are my biggest are worse William...sorry but stop bugging them...

  3. Kaelyn and maya you both are my biggest u both...bye

  4. Pls follow me kaelyn and maya I would go crazy....and follow Lavanya nyss...she is my buff...bye
